

『AIはやがて意識を持つようになるのか?』LiveScience から「consciousnessとawarenessの違いについて」2018/5/24
Will AI Ever Become Conscious?
Philosophers have described consciousness as having a unique sense of self coupled with an awareness of what's going on around you. And neuroscientists have offered their own perspective on how consciousness might be quantified, through analysis of a person's brain activity as it integrates and interprets sensory data.
However, applying those rules to AI is tricky. In some ways, the processing abilities of AI are not unlike those that take place in human brains. Sophisticated AI systems use a process called deep learning to solve computational tasks quickly, using networks of layered algorithms that communicate with each other to solve more and more complex problems.
It's a strategy very similar to that of our own brains, where information speeds across connections between neurons. In a neural network, deep learning enables AI to teach itself how to identify disease, win a strategy game against the best human player in the world, or write a pop song.
But to accomplish these feats, any neural network still relies on a human programmer setting the tasks and selecting the data for it to learn from. Consciousness for AI would mean that neural networks could make those initial choices themselves, "deviating from the programmers' intentions and doing their own thing," Edith Elkind, a professor of computing science at the University of Oxford in the U.K., told Live Science in an email.
しかし、どんなニューラル・ネットワークも、これらの手柄を達成するために、課題を設定してそこから学ぶためのデータを選択する人間のプログラマーに依存している。AIの意識とは、ニューラルネットワークが「プログラマーの意図から離れ、自分自身のことをやるために」それらの初期選択を自分自身で行うことができるということを意味するだろうと英国オックスフォード大学の計算科学者Edith Elkind教授はEメールでLiveScienceに語った。
Three stages of consciousness
One of the pitfalls for machines becoming self-aware is that consciousness in humans is not well-defined enough, which would make it difficult if not impossible for programmers to replicate such a state in algorithms for AI, researchers reported in a study published in October 2017 in the journal Science.
機械が自己認識を持つための一つの落とし穴は、人間の意識についても十分に定義されていないことが、プログラマーがAIのアルゴリズムでそのような状態を再現することを、不可能ではないにしても困難にすることだと、ある研究者たちが2017年10月にJournal Science発表された研究で述べている。
The scientists defined three levels of human consciousness, based on the computation that happens in the brain. The first, which they labeled "C0," represents calculations that happen without our knowledge, such as during facial recognition, and most AI functions at this level, the scientists wrote in the study.
The second level, "C1," involves a so-called "global" awareness of information — in other words, actively sifting and evaluating quantities of data to make an informed, deliberate choice in response to specific circumstances.
Self-awareness emerges in the third level, "C2," in which individuals recognize and correct mistakes and investigate the unknown, the study authors reported.
"Once we can spell out in computational terms what the differences may be in humans between conscious and unconsciousness, coding that into computers may not be that hard," study co-author Hakwan Lau, a UCLA neuroscientist, previously told Live Science.
UCLAの神経科学者であるHakwan Lauは、「ひとたび人間における意識と無意識の違いが何であるかを計算(科学)の表現で綴ることができれば、コンピューターにそれをコードすることはそれほど難しくないかもしれません」とかつてLiveScienceに語っている。
To a certain extent, some types of AI can evaluate their actions and correct them responsively — a component of the C2 level of human consciousness. But don't expect to meet self-aware AI anytime soon, Elkind said in the email.
ある種のAIは、ある程度まで、人間の意識のC2レベルの構成要素である、行動を評価しそれに応答して修正するということができる。 しかし、近い将来自己認識を持つAIに面会できるということは期待しない方が良いとElkindはEメールで述べている。
Will AI Ever Become Conscious?

